Starting a Private Practice
Making the decision to start your own private practice offers numerous exciting opportunities and advantages, from setting your own rates to flexible scheduling so you can have the life you've dreamed of. But going solo can also be an intimidating process of establishing yourself and building clientele.
This self guided video course makes it easy by guiding you through all the major preparations that will help you hit the ground running as you launch your practice, as well as prepare in advance for potential snags as you operate. In this course, you'll learn:
Crafting a mission and vision statement, naming your practice, identifying your ideal client
Preparing for the stresses of entrepreneurship and how it affects your family and personal life
Scheduling, work/life boundaries, and capacity
Pros and cons of offering telehealth services and how to set it up
Filing the paperwork, the pros and cons of being a PLLC versus an S-Corp
Finances, budgeting, and accounting
EHR systems, what's available, what to consider when choosing an Electronic Health Records program, and personal recommendations from therapists with different needs
Marketing yourself via website, social media, and therapist directories
Scaling Your Private Practice
Growing your private practice is an exciting adventure! You're able to reach more people and make a larger impact in the mental health of your community. But adapting your existing processes and routines to accommodate a larger team can be stressful and overwhelming. As someone who's been in your exact position, I bring years of personal experience and research to the table to help you consider all the angles as you make this transition. Course topics include:
Interviewing and hiring, figuring out what specialties or certifications you're looking for
Payroll, budgeting, and accounting for a group practice
Contract building, non-compete clauses, hiring rates
Intake and referrals, making the decision to hire a virtual assistant or receptionist
Specializing versus general practice
Employee turnover and client scheduling
Changes in marketing strategy on your website and social media to incorporate your new identity as a group practice and promoting new hires
One-on-One Coaching
If doing it alone doesn't sound like your cup of tea, the one-on-one coaching option provides tangible support as you go through the course. Schedule calls with Dyna as you go through the course to discuss and get feedback on your unique situation and challenges. These calls are yours to schedule as needed so wherever you need the most support, that's where we'll focus! Ready to learn more?